PHP Classes

Bugs on the debugger?

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Subject:Bugs on the debugger?
Summary:Improvements and bugs review and discution
Author:Thales Jacobi
Date:2009-11-04 20:02:46
Update:2010-01-12 15:01:19

  1. Bugs on the debugger?   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Thales Jacobi Thales Jacobi - 2009-11-04 20:02:47
The other day someone was trying to debug a fairly complex XML with my debugger and it failed.

The XML itself was fine, but my XML Debugger couldn't handle CDATA properly so now it is fixed. However I was left filling that my class could do better and improve its usability.

Please test this code and list here the errors found and I will post a comment about you, or your website, in my blog.

Thanks for the help!

  2. Re: Bugs on the debugger?   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Thales Jacobi Thales Jacobi - 2010-01-12 15:01:19 - In reply to message 1 from Thales Jacobi
I found one bug, attributes with spaces aren't being parsed correctly. Fixing now.