my name is Emiliano.
im a student of computer sciences in Rome, Italy.
Now, i have a problem.I dont aunderstand how use the function parse_sql in class template.inc.php.
Can you give me a complete example?
there is an example in zip file.....but dont go.........maybe is me surely.
The declaration in example is:
$pg = pg_connect('user=richard dbname=scripts port=5432');
$sqlquery = 'SELECT col1 AS column_1, col2 AS column_2, col3 AS column_3 FROM test';
$table_rows = pg_exec($pg, $sqlquery);
I use myslq dbms then:
$query="SELECT id AS id, nome AS nome FROM corsolaurea ORDER BY id ASC";
i call the method in class : class.template.inc.php(i have renamed for not visibility in browser .The original name was: class.template.inc);
$template = new template();
,TEMPLATE_FOLDER."header.html");/*TEMPLATE_FOLDER IS A COSTANT DEFINED IN FILE config.inc.php, set : http://localhost/template_engine/template/
WHERE ARE THE templates in html code .
$query="SELECT id AS id, nome AS nome FROM corsolaurea ORDER BY id ASC";
$template->parse_sql("content",$array );
$template->print_file('header, content,menu');
If i do in this mode, return me a warning:
Warning: mysql_num_fields(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\new_template_engine_test\class.template.inc.php on line 157
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\new_template_engine_test\class.template.inc.php on line 158
i have see and there is a variable : $$result_name. I know that this signature is for dinamic variables.
if i delete $$result and write $result_name only, that work (warnings disappears) but dont take the values and i dont see a loop in html template, as method "parse_loop".
At this point, i dont say wath to do.
Can you help me?
Is possible , can you give me a complete example for take recods in msql database and print them whit loop in html template pleeeeeease?
PS:: this is the link of class that i have downloaded:
Thank you so mutch
Sorry for my english :(
have nice day