PHP Classes

MP3 Class - second based splitting of mp3 files

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Subject:MP3 Class - second based splitting...
Summary:In some cases, a frame duration of 26 ms is not accurate enough
Author:Martin Mohnhaupt
Date:2012-05-02 12:55:05

  1. MP3 Class - second based splitting...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Martin Mohnhaupt Martin Mohnhaupt - 2012-05-02 12:55:05
I had to deal with extracting small pieces from an mp3 file. In some cases, there was an error near the end of the source mp3.

The error was due to the fact that assuming a frame duration of 26ms was not accurate enough to get the correct frame indices.

I modified the code accordingly in cut_mp3(...).

Can the author contact me in order to give the code ?

Kind regards.