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Problem with Google Currency Converter

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Subject:Problem with Google Currency Converter
Summary:Problem with Google Currency Converter
Author:Jacques Bernard
Date:2011-08-11 02:26:30

  1. Problem with Google Currency Converter   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Jacques Bernard Jacques Bernard - 2011-08-11 02:26:30
I use «Google Currency Converter»., you can test it at :

When I try it for the first time, it work perfectly. But as soon I try it a second time, I got this message «Google could not convert your request. Please try again». Then I wait some seconds or minutes and then try again and it's work.

Can you give me some input about this problem?

OS : Linux
Server : Apache 2.2.19
PHP : 5.2.17

Thank your for your help

  2. Re: Problem with Google Currency Converter   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of PHP Team PHP Team - 2015-05-29 11:39:32 - In reply to message 1 from Jacques Bernard
I use «Google Currency Converter»., you can test it at : ...

I got this message «Google could not convert your request. Please try again»

Can you give me some input about this problem?