PHP Classes

Not sure why you use PHP and put the verification code in ses...

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Subject:Not sure why you use PHP and put the...
Summary:Package rating comment
Author:wualdo romualdo
Date:2014-04-06 01:50:45
Update:2014-04-06 01:58:47

wualdo romualdo rated this package as follows:

Utility: Insufficient
Consistency: Insufficient
Examples: Insufficient

  1. Not sure why you use PHP and put the...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of wualdo romualdo wualdo romualdo - 2014-04-06 01:50:45
Not sure why you use PHP and put the verification code in session?
when set to "hidden attributes" on the same page.
We could get on the same page parseandola-analyzing it. eg with javascript or cURL.

No es seguro, ¿por qué usar PHP y poner el código de verificación en sesión?
cuando lo coloca en "atributo oculto" en la misma página.
Podríamos obtenerlo de la misma página parseandola-analizándola. por ejemplo con javascript o cURL.

  2. Re: Not sure why you use PHP and put the...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of wualdo romualdo wualdo romualdo - 2014-04-06 01:58:47 - In reply to message 1 from wualdo romualdo
simple image for ocr decoding.

should also serve to lowercase letters