PHP Classes

Torrent RW

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Subject:Torrent RW
Summary:Creation Date in torrent file
Date:2010-12-29 13:03:15
Update:2012-05-29 21:00:46

  1. Torrent RW   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Sunny Sunny - 2010-12-29 13:03:15

I am using ur torrent RW class. Its really usefull.

But there is no function in torrent.php to find out creation date.

This would be really useful without it I can't use this file.

Thanks a lot for sharing this

  2. Re: Torrent RW   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of henry aryco henry aryco - 2012-05-29 21:00:46 - In reply to message 1 from Sunny
how to use this php class?

  3. Re: Torrent RW   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Hour Sokaon Hour Sokaon - 2015-07-11 14:23:47 - In reply to message 1 from Sunny
Could you explain how to use it?
I can't get it work. Event if .torrent file was created but torrent client unable to load.

Thank anyway