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Modifications and Installation of this script

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Subject:Modifications and Installation of...
Summary:Do you want this system installing, or modifiying for you
Author:Martin Barker
Date:2008-10-14 20:31:05

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Picture of Martin Barker Martin Barker - 2008-10-14 20:31:05
Hello all,

I would like to say i will install this script and mod it for your needed for £15 an hour, i will normally finish the mods in 30 mins so depending on your site's numbers i will set it up as fast as possible

I will all so make script for fixed prices per script depending on the script you want building

Please email me at

Or Just leave me a comment on this forum with your email address and what you want i will contact you back with cost,

on payment failure script will be sold via ebay, or posted onto a php scrips site if a class it will not be posted onto here to prevent people not purchasing