PHP Classes

please document it

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Subject:please document it
Summary:Please document the class.
Date:2008-10-11 02:28:52
Update:2008-10-17 10:19:04

  1. please document it   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of yalamber yalamber - 2008-10-11 02:28:52
hello can you document the class and provide a simple example to use it. thanks

  2. Re: please document it   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Martin Barker Martin Barker - 2008-10-13 10:17:24 - In reply to message 1 from yalamber
I am working on it i have a few little things to add to the system

But Basicly it is used in partnership with another class .passport Cleint witch talk to the admin system

  3. Re: please document it   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Martin Barker Martin Barker - 2008-10-13 11:18:18 - In reply to message 1 from yalamber ...

This is the Client system

The Server only talk back to create.php - example
or to the login Server
witch is
change the keys in both files so they are secure and match with both types

This if for added security

  4. Re: please document it   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of yalamber yalamber - 2008-10-13 17:44:32 - In reply to message 3 from Martin Barker
thanks for the library. I hope it will be use ful for my projects. The whole idea seems to me like storing user accounts to the central account database and then authenticate the users from different services. Seems pretty useful. great idea.

  5. Re: please document it   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Martin Barker Martin Barker - 2008-10-17 10:19:04 - In reply to message 4 from yalamber
Yea but it dose it securely over port 80 with out changing you to another site like the only other 2 passport systems i have seen.

Well there's 2
Microsoft's .net/live Passport (have to go via Microsoft's live servers)
CommetPas Bit Comets Passport Has to go to there server/web site to handle login

Both of these run with ASP.NET
So i thought it was about time php got one up on ASP.NET
To do a passport system like ones then make it so they never leave the site there on.