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Help with script

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Subject:Help with script
Summary:Helping n00bie
Date:2010-09-17 14:56:14

  1. Help with script   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Rod Rod - 2010-09-17 14:56:14
Thank you for willing to help a n00b...
Hopefully u are willing to bear with me

I understand all the variables in src_readme.txt as well as those in src_ups_rates.class.php (which I assume are not needed as passed by src_readme.txt.I also understant how to feed it variables.

Using src_readme.txt as an example/sample:
1. I assume src_ups_rates.class.php must be included.
2. What is the output?

If I make a test page from src_readme.txt, include src_ups_rates.class.php, and run it, I get no output, not even an error.

Any advice?

if you prefer you can reply directly at rod(at)