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Get UPS Image not working

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Subject:Get UPS Image not working
Summary:Cant get the UPS Label to show up, i get reg not found error
Author:Matt Brooks
Date:2010-04-08 21:40:11
Update:2011-01-06 03:29:15

  1. Get UPS Image not working   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Matt Brooks Matt Brooks - 2010-04-08 21:40:11
It looks like the code does not require an access key when other codes I saw do.

Can you help me make this so i can bill to another account and print international shipments?

  2. Re: Get UPS Image not working   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Sergey Shilko Sergey Shilko - 2010-04-09 08:47:27 - In reply to message 1 from Matt Brooks
Sorry Matt.
Currently i do not provide modifications to the code itself, can support withsome tips/hints.

I can tell you that code does NOT require premium UPS key, however the way code work itself is probably could be called "backdoor" it parses web-site and pulls out the label from site: there is a *free* label generator at website available, but to get it via API you need premium.

Other services (not label's) are standard API clients.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

  3. Re: Get UPS Image not working   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Bryan Stanley Bryan Stanley - 2011-01-06 03:29:15 - In reply to message 2 from Sergey Shilko
Can you tell me where the "OrderId" number is coming from? I'm guessing this is something UPS provides, but how do I get this?