PHP Classes

Doesn't work with Yahoo! RSS Feeds

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Subject:Doesn't work with Yahoo! RSS Feeds
Summary:View feeds at
Author:Abbey W
Date:2008-05-16 00:10:37
Update:2008-05-17 07:38:54

  1. Doesn't work with Yahoo! RSS Feeds   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Abbey W Abbey W - 2008-05-16 00:10:37

I tried your parser with some Yahoo! News Feeds and your script tells me 'cannot detect the feed version'.

For example, the URL for Top Stories is

  2. Re: Doesn't work with Yahoo! RSS Feeds   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Anis uddin ahmad Anis uddin ahmad - 2008-05-17 07:38:54 - In reply to message 1 from Abbey W
Yah! I got the reason.
Yahoo is using their customized namespace for rss.
I'll solve it and update the class ASAP.

Thanks a lot for your help.