regis loumont - 2012-08-21 15:53:11
great package thank you. As I am still using an old web server I found your very usefull work. I am a bit stuck when trying to parse one level of the following file
when using this code:
$details = array(); // init array for return values
$sx = new simplexml;
$feed = $sx->xml_load_file($filename,"array");
foreach ($feed as $modeleinfo)
{if ($modeleinfo[ModelName] == $modele)
foreach ($modeleinfo[Version] as $versioninfo)
if ($versioninfo[VersionDescription] == $version)
foreach ($versioninfo[VersionsRefs][VersionRef] as $versionreference)
$minech = $minech.$versionreference[Mine].",";
$mineref = $versionreference[Mine];
if the level VersionRef contains only one set of elements (MTO and Mine) then the instruction foreach does not return the correct value in $mineref, while it does if there are multiple elements.
I have used your code to display the whole file as you can try in
and it works fine.
Any idea?
thank you for your help and the nice work which was very usefull