anant - 2009-09-21 14:50:58
i tried to use this example, but it didnt worked for me,
i downloaded the zipped code , extracted to the root folder of machine. then opened as http://localhost:8080/creditcardclass-2002-02-16/creditcart.php
nothing is working fine for me it is giving wierd string like this
\n", $card, (($ccret = $cc->check($card))?"valid":"false")); if($ccret) { printf("The card type is %s or %d
\n", $cc->detectTypeString(), $cc->detectType()); printf("Card number: %s
\n", $cc->getCardNumber()); } else printf("%s
\n", $cc->strError()); } ?>
card : [ ]
could you please help me out to solve this problem why printf or echo statement is not working,when i tried to debug in nusphear it worked fine.