PHP Classes

Can phpajax cooperate with different objects?

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Subject:Can phpajax cooperate with different...
Summary:I have to change variables of an object with phpajax...
Date:2008-02-11 18:26:17
Update:2008-02-17 18:23:26

  1. Can phpajax cooperate with different...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of MP MP - 2008-02-11 18:26:17

I have class A wich have array. I need change this array with ajax. Exactly I need change one field of this one, only.

Without ajax on first I serialize object (into session), post form, unserialize object and after that I will change a field in array.

Is possible change array field of object A with phpajax? I have to add new fields, update fields and delete fields of array.
I am going to use it in basket of e-shop...

Is possible to make any examle?

  2. Re: Can phpajax cooperate with different...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Cesar D. Rodas Cesar D. Rodas - 2008-02-12 19:02:16 - In reply to message 1 from MP

What I understand for your example you have an array (which is your $_SESSION), and you want to modify one field of that array (ex. $_SESSION['foo']).

On the server:


class modify extends phpajax {
var $inputs="bar";
function main() {
$_SESSION['foo'] = $this->bar;


Then in your client (html):

<a href="javascript:modify('the content')">Click me</a>

<input id="bar" value="the content">
<a href="javascript:modify()">Click me</a>

Please, let me know is this can solve your problem and if I understood well your little trouble.

Best regards

  3. Re: Can phpajax cooperate with different...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of MP MP - 2008-02-16 20:12:50 - In reply to message 2 from Cesar D. Rodas
Thank you...

I think, I have solved my problem... Your reply helped me!
So, I have one question, now... Can you show roadmap for phpajax?

Greetings blacmoor...

  4. Re: Can phpajax cooperate with different...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of MP MP - 2008-02-17 14:27:26 - In reply to message 3 from MP

I am sorry I didnīt solve my problem... :(

If I tried create a new object in main() function, phpajax show error message with "[OBJECT ERROR]" text...

Here is sample of code:
class MYclass extends phpajax{

function input() {}

function main() {
$_start = new classStart(); //here is the problem


Is possible create new objects in this function?
Can you help me? Thanks...

Greetings blackmoor...

  5. Re: Can phpajax cooperate with different...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of MP MP - 2008-02-17 14:45:49 - In reply to message 4 from MP
I forgot on this same problem with functions:

Here is sample of code:
class MYclass extends phpajax{

function input() {}

function main() {
aprint('products_span', my_test()); //here is the problem

function my_test(){
return "hello world";

If I run this script I will see an object error response.

Greetings blackmoor...

  6. Re: Can phpajax cooperate with different...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Cesar D. Rodas Cesar D. Rodas - 2008-02-17 16:51:26 - In reply to message 5 from MP

You can instance any object there, the main problem may be that you want to instance a class that doesn't exists.

class MYclass extends phpajax{

function input() {}

function main() {
aprint('products_span', my_test()); //here is the problem

function my_test(){
return "hello world";

Here you have a bug, you are calling "my_test()" which is a function that doesn't exists. You have define a method "my_test()", so you must call it "$this->my_test()".

Best regards

  7. Re: Can phpajax cooperate with different...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of MP MP - 2008-02-17 18:23:26 - In reply to message 6 from Cesar D. Rodas

Thanks for corrections!! It were my mistakes ;)

What about roadmap?

Greetings blackmoor