PHP Classes

Refresh with IE

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Subject:Refresh with IE
Summary:Your class image refreshing doesn't work fine on IE.
Author:Michele Castellucci
Date:2007-06-22 12:44:32
Update:2010-06-13 19:59:29

  1. Refresh with IE   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Michele Castellucci Michele Castellucci - 2007-06-22 12:44:32
Your class image refreshing doesn't work fine on IE.
The image iframe sometimes refresh faster than the script iframe.

Consider using AJAX on the image iframe.
You can update image iframe only when script iframe have finished to update.

  2. Re: Refresh with IE   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Said Bakr Said Bakr - 2007-06-23 10:54:43 - In reply to message 1 from Michele Castellucci

Thank you very much for your comment. I will try to fix this bug as soon as possible. However, I tried to simulate AJAX using the hidden iframe "FoxCaptcha2", but there is something missing.

Best Regards,
Said Bakr.

  3. Re: Refresh with IE   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Said Bakr Said Bakr - 2010-06-13 19:59:29 - In reply to message 1 from Michele Castellucci
Since Fox_Captch2 and this problem is solved.