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      SMS Gateway API (gammu)  >  All threads  >  hi  >  (Un) Subscribe thread alerts  
Date:2011-08-01 17:28:20

  1. hi   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of xxxxx xxxxx - 2011-08-01 17:28:20
i would like to talk with you a little bit about this application and the functionality.
i use currently another sms getaway and i would like to try others.
Can you please answer to some technical question ?

Can we use only php interface to manage the Gammu getaway : send Bulk SMS - receive SMS and manage the Database ?
It's Gammu works with mysql Database ?

Have you a good experience to show me the right way to use this application because i don't understand how that works. seems much good application than that i have and i need to get a try.

Thanks for your help in advance.
Best regards.