JFive - 2008-01-02 21:12:51
I got a lot of warnings like this:
Warning: mysql_data_seek() [function.mysql-data-seek]: Offset 0 is invalid for MySQL result index 1572 (or the query data is unbuffered) in D:\www\pruebas\classes\mysql.class.php on line 1125
I use IIS with PHP Version 5.2.5 (Server API ISAPI)
Mysql Client API version 5.0.45
Please help me.. FOR iterations don't finish
$db = new MySQL();
$abogado = $db->QueryArray("select abog_id, abog_mnue, abog_appa, abog_apma, abog_nomb, abog_finc from cabs_abogado order by abog_appa, abog_apma, abog_nomb");
$total = $db->RowCount();
echo $total." registros<br><br>";
echo "<table border='1'>";
echo "<tr>
<td>Apellidos y Nombres</td>
for($i=0;$i<$total;$i++) {
$sql="select abog_id, tigr_id, dire_desc, dire_tele, dire_cell
from cabs_direccion
where abog_id='{$abogado[$i]['abog_id']}'"; // domicilio
$rowdomicilio = $db->QueryArray($sql);
Excuse my English pls...
echo sprintf("<tr>
<td>%s %s, %s</td>
echo "</table>";
echo "$i registros impresos";