 Peter - 2007-07-11 01:12:32
Hi there.. I'm getting this error message:
Warning: key() [function.key]: Passed variable is not an array or object in /home/server/image_gallery_xml.php on line 145
from the following code:
$xml = new Xml;
$out = $xml->parse('http://www.mywebsite.com/director/images.php', 'CURL');
I haven't changed the functions in any form.. everything has come straight from this site. Can you please help?
 Ivan Enderlin - 2007-07-11 07:15:38 - In reply to message 1 from Peter
It arrives that we have this error.
When parser does not parsed correctly the XML file, final array is not "well-formed", so key function returns an error.
Can I see your XML file ? Maybe it's a problem from your XML code (at least, it provided often of code form).
 Benson Lu - 2007-07-30 09:47:38 - In reply to message 2 from Ivan Enderlin
hi, i just encountered same problem, here is my xml:
would you please check this and find a way out? appreciate for your time. thanks.
 Ivan Enderlin - 2007-07-30 11:58:15 - In reply to message 3 from Benson Lu
Hey Benson,
there is no problem with your code.
PHP key function need an array, we're agree about that. And, PHP has a problem with his own XML parser. The parser need a handler tag, it means :
is not correct. Parser doesn't find any handler tag, and doesn't built array correctly.
So, give him one :
If you renseign directly the source, second parameter will be set to null. If source in is a file, second parameter will be set to 'FILE'. Take care of that. Look example, maybe you'll find some help :)
Do you understand now ? Is your problem resolved ?
 Benson Lu - 2007-07-31 08:21:48 - In reply to message 4 from Ivan Enderlin
Thank you for helping me. My problem has been solved! This is a quite useful script to me. Thanks again!
 Ivan Enderlin - 2007-07-31 12:43:24 - In reply to message 5 from Benson Lu
You're welcome ;-)
 Luca Mainieri - 2007-11-27 18:09:46 - In reply to message 6 from Ivan Enderlin
I'm experiencing the exact same error.
Sorry but example and previous posts did not help me to find the problem:
Here's my XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ARTISTITLE>il migliore del mondo e sadlkj</ARTISTITLE>
to retrieve the data I'm using the following
$objXml = new Xml;
$out = $objXml->parse('http://hurrah.artcalendar.it/public/public.xml','CURL');
 Luca Mainieri - 2007-12-12 07:56:31 - In reply to message 7 from Luca Mainieri
Hi, is there anybody who can give me a help on this?
I've followed all exemples and posts, but still getting the same error.
Is the XML wrong formatted? is a problem with the php version (4.4)?
Any hint on how to solve this error would be greatly appreciated.
I'm experiencing the exact same error.
Sorry but example and previous posts did not help me to find the problem:
Here's my XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ARTISTITLE>il migliore del mondo e sadlkj</ARTISTITLE>
to retrieve the data I'm using the following
$objXml = new Xml;
$out = $objXml->parse('http://hurrah.artcalendar.it/public/public.xml','CURL');