PHP Classes

Problem with white background in gif of images of different size

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Subject:Problem with white background in gif...
Summary:Problem with white background in gif of images of different size
Author:Choqx Marcelo Jose
Date:2017-01-10 00:40:29

  1. Problem with white background in gif...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Choqx Marcelo Jose Choqx Marcelo Jose - 2017-01-10 00:40:29
I'm from Peru, my name is marcelo, I'm freelance and I'm very grateful for Mr. László Zsidi

But I have the same problem with the white background.

And intentionally modifying the GIFEncoder.class.php by replacing the value rgb 0xFF by 0x00 and I do not succeed with putting the black background

I do not speak English, I just google translator.

I need to place the black background.
My email [email protected]

soy de peru me llamo marcelo soy freelance y estoy muy agradecido por el seńor László Zsidi

Pero tengo el mismo problema del fondo blanco.

e intenado moficando el GIFEncoder.class.php reeemplazando el valor rgb 0xFF por 0x00 y no logro con poner el fondo negro

no hablo ingles, solo google traductor.

necesito colocar el fondo negro.
mi correo [email protected]