PHP Classes

Transparent Gifs?

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Subject:Transparent Gifs?
Summary:I'm trying to animate them, but it won't work. :/
Author:Arianna B
Date:2010-05-27 14:55:28

  1. Transparent Gifs?   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Arianna B Arianna B - 2010-05-27 14:55:28
Basically, I'm trying to use dynamically created transparent gifs and animate them. This is what I'm using to call the class:

$gif = new GIFAnimator(
$frames, //sources - URL or path
25, //delay times - int
0, //Animation loops - int - 0 is infinite
2, //Disposal - int
0, 0, 0, //transparency red, green, blue - int
"url" // source type

I get almost what I want, but the background is black. Any ideas on what to do?