PHP Classes

Optimize Gif

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Subject:Optimize Gif
Summary:Looking For Suggestions
Author:Abe Solomon
Date:2008-04-30 01:13:05
Update:2008-05-01 15:00:19

  1. Optimize Gif   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Abe Solomon Abe Solomon - 2008-04-30 01:13:05
Hello László,

Great class!

I've created a scrolling LED sign where text essentially scrolls right to left. The background is solid black, the font is a dot matrix font (red).

The way I created it was to decrement the position of the text starting at the far right margin and scroll it across the background. The red text is overlayed on a black background also. I use Disposal=2.

The black background is the full size of the canvas. The file size is large and say 100K.

Do you know of any method that I can optimize this animated gif. Maybe adjusting disposal methods or might you know of some better ways.

I have also used your class with a picture background with right to left scrolling text with the same method as above. I mention this only because I could make white transparent for the text and have the background show through on the text. But I'm unsure how the which disposal method would decrease the file size.

Unfortunately I can't use gifsicle or imagemagick, my hosting service doesn't allow it.

Thanks for any pointers.


  2. Re: Optimize Gif   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of László Zsidi László Zsidi - 2008-04-30 12:56:47 - In reply to message 1 from Abe Solomon
Dear Abe,

Exists some dissimilar optimalization solutions.
Such as, frame optimization, reducing color palettes, etc...
But seems to be that nobody accomplished it under PHP yet.
Here is an information about the methods of the optimalization of animated GIF images:
I created and installed an all-inclusive technical support and download service at

László Zsidi

  3. Re: Optimize Gif   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Abe Solomon Abe Solomon - 2008-05-01 15:00:19 - In reply to message 2 from László Zsidi
Thanks László

For providing a forum and also for the link.
