Daniel Sepeur - 2006-04-27 09:45:12
I tried to extract alot of tables from different sites in one step.
Therefore i CURL all desired sites and give each content in array elements.
Now i need only a for-construct to extract the tables for all array elements in one step.
Here is an example:
// Requesting table2arr.php
// Now do for all content elements in $content
// a table extract
for($i=0;$i<=count($content)-1;$i++) {
$g=new table2arr($content[$i]);
and so on....
In this case, i goet everytime the following error:
FATAL ERROR: Cannot redeclare findfirst() previously declared....
You know about this error. Its not nice.
This error occours, because the function "findfirst" is nested in the function "parsetable".
Therefore i redesigned the code of table2arr.php like this:
Copy the function "findfirst" like this:
function findfirst($table,$level) {
foreach ($table as $key=>$arr) {
if (($flevel==$level) AND ($flen==0)) { return $key; }
return -1;
and place it directly after the last closing bracket of function "parsetable".
Then change
in function "parsetable" to
After you made this changes, you are able to do multiple table extracts in one time.