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problems with the coding of page

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Subject:problems with the coding of page
Summary:charset 1251
Author:Kolesnik Yury
Date:2007-09-19 07:08:10
Update:2007-09-19 17:11:44

  1. problems with the coding of page   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Kolesnik Yury Kolesnik Yury - 2007-09-19 07:08:10
_______PROBLEM #1_______________________________________________

Working with your class I had problems with the coding of page.
$objGrid -> conectadb("", "tel", "123456", "tel");

mysql_query('SET NAMES cp1251'); - ---------CHARSET DEFAULT-----------




$objGrid->form('employee', true);


$objGrid->tabla ("STREET");



$objGrid->orderby("ID", "ASC");

$objGrid -> FormatColumn("ID", "ID", 5, 5, 1, "50", "center", "integer");

$objGrid -> FormatColumn("NAME", "Улица", 22, 30, 0, "150", "center");

$objGrid -> FormatColumn("DATE_UPD", "Дата_обновления", 10, 10, 0, "50", "center", "date:dmy:/");

Image1.gif > Image2.gif - Look images for the given code.

This problem arises at me at switching pages. In what there can be a problem?
_______PROBLEM #2_______________________________________________

You can prompt me how to make, that at editing a line, date of last change was established automatically? Image3.gif - Image4.gif. edit row > date > current_date?????

I am very grateful to you for the help.


  2. Re: problems with the coding of page   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Gustavo Arcila Gustavo Arcila - 2007-09-19 14:34:28 - In reply to message 1 from Kolesnik Yury

Sorry for not to answer before but I was without connection,

That features are not availables in this version.

Version 2008 of datagrid will have coding feature, and I'll see how to
imprement the other one



  3. Re: problems with the coding of page   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Kolesnik Yury Kolesnik Yury - 2007-09-19 16:03:13 - In reply to message 2 from Gustavo Arcila
Thanks! And when to expect release 2008?

  4. Re: problems with the coding of page   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Gustavo Arcila Gustavo Arcila - 2007-09-19 17:11:44 - In reply to message 3 from Kolesnik Yury
We haven't jet the release date, beta testing is being performed and some things are being improved, The most possible date is beggining november or ending october.
