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Summary:searchby function
Author:Luca c
Date:2007-01-02 10:58:01
Update:2007-01-02 21:27:48

  1. searchby   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Luca c Luca c - 2007-01-02 10:58:01
hi, first of all, thank's for this class, it is very usefull!
i'vr found some problem with the search function in the grid: it don't care of the tipe and mask of the data specified in formatcolumn.
for example if i specify a clumn like this:
$Browse -> FormatColumn("ScadenzaHW","Scad. HW", "15", "30","0","60","left","date:dmy:-");
when i search for the date 29-12-2006 it don't find nothing because the where clause that you create in code don't reconvert it in format ymd.
if i search for 2006-12-29 all goes ok.
another problem if the column is a select:
$Browse -> FormatColumn("IDcliente", "Tecnico", "10", "30","0","120","left","select:select IDcliente, Intestazione from clienti");
when you search with the client name it don't find nothing because it want the client ID but the user of the sw don't know the client id it only see the client name.

i've looked at the code and i thinck that in on line 709 before create the newwhere clause you must see what tipe of column you are searching by and create the where clause according to it.
i'm tring to do this on my own, but if you have alredy included this feature in the new release please tell me.
Sorry for my poor english, i'm still learning it

  2. Re: searchby   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Gustavo Arcila Gustavo Arcila - 2007-01-02 18:11:52 - In reply to message 1 from Luca c

Thank you for your post.

1st dont worry about your english, i'm learning too :)

2nd I haven't improve that features, (never pessed though my mind :S)... I'll check and as soon as possible will do that.

Kind regards,


  3. Re: searchby   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Luca c Luca c - 2007-01-02 18:22:18 - In reply to message 2 from Gustavo Arcila
i've done the modify, i'll post it to you asap.

  4. Re: searchby   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Gustavo Arcila Gustavo Arcila - 2007-01-02 21:27:48 - In reply to message 3 from Luca c
Ok thnks.