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mail dir+bugs

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Subject:mail dir+bugs
Summary:I wanted to ask you if this script supports maildir format?
Date:2006-12-07 02:19:57
Update:2007-10-25 05:07:20

  1. mail dir+bugs   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of aleks aleks - 2006-12-07 02:19:57
Hi! Useful script, tnx!

I wanted to ask you if script supports maildir format? It doesn't look like it does, but I'm not quite sure.

Also I did some testing and I usual get this error:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in receivemail.class.php on line 122

It referres to this line:

120 $struckture = imap_fetchstructure($this->marubox,$mid);
121 $ar="";
122 foreach($struckture->parts as $key => $value)

so, it's seems like it's not checking for empty arrays. Nice work, once again.

  2. Re: mail dir+bugs   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of fred fred - 2007-05-20 17:45:53 - In reply to message 1 from aleks
To fix the error message with no attachments are included in a message, I added the two lines as indicated:

function GetAttech($mid,$path) // Get Atteced File from Mail
$struckture = imap_fetchstructure($this->marubox,$mid);
$parts = $struckture->parts; /* added */
if (!$parts) return "No attachments"; /* added */

foreach($struckture->parts as $key => $value)

  3. Re: mail dir+bugs   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of mitul koradia mitul koradia - 2007-10-25 05:07:20 - In reply to message 2 from fred

Thanks for the solution or you can write

if(!is_array($struckture->parts)) return "No Attachement";
