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help again please

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Subject:help again please
Summary:some error
Author:Ankit Agarwal
Date:2007-02-01 18:32:27
Update:2007-04-26 16:45:56

  1. help again please   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Ankit Agarwal Ankit Agarwal - 2007-02-01 18:32:27
hi i am able to upload the file through ajax file unloader but at the top i am getting this error message

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /mounted-storage/home37a/sub005/sc30141-VFRY/www/joomla/upload/index.php:5) in /mounted-storage/home37a/sub005/sc30141-VFRY/www/joomla/upload/ on line 11

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /mounted-storage/home37a/sub005/sc30141-VFRY/www/joomla/upload/index.php:5) in /mounted-storage/home37a/sub005/sc30141-VFRY/www/joomla/upload/ on line 11

What is this error.

  2. Re: help again please   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Edwin Cadthuz Edwin Cadthuz - 2007-04-26 16:45:56 - In reply to message 1 from Ankit Agarwal
Hi Ankit,
The same problem was faced by me too. I got a timely help from Cyberscorp. I am quoting the same line here which may help you too.

"you can move the line session_start() from to index.php (to put in first line without any spaces before)."

all the best!