PHP Classes

Scroll to selected category

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Subject:Scroll to selected category
Summary:Scroll to selected category
Date:2007-06-11 16:03:42
Update:2007-06-15 05:34:28

  1. Scroll to selected category   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of forumdigger forumdigger - 2007-06-11 16:03:42
Hello, thank you for creating this useful class!
I rack my brain on how to make page scroll automatically to selected subcategory after 'update' or 'view' procedure? Because if I click on a category for say two or three scrolls down, the page reloads and I need to scroll down again to view its subcategories. is there a solution?

  2. Re: Scroll to selected category   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of S.Shaban S.Shaban - 2007-06-11 17:07:24 - In reply to message 1 from forumdigger
do you mean when you go deeper into sub-categories and then do an action to a category, then you are back to see the roots categories closed again?

  3. Re: Scroll to selected category   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of forumdigger forumdigger - 2007-06-15 05:34:28 - In reply to message 2 from S.Shaban
Hi, your code works well displaying categories and subcategories.
My question was - imagine you have a tree of 13 categories with 30 subcategories in each (for example).
Then you go to 13th category and expand it. Then you scroll the page down to select 30th child of expanded category.Then you perform 'edit' action on 30th category. After saving changes, tree stays expanded for 13th category, but in order to see the modified subcategory again you have to scroll the page down.
I think it's a good idea to do these "page scrolls" after updating automatically, usage of Javascript then is needed? It'll be a nice option to your class package.