PHP Classes

Problem getting directory files to zip

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Subject:Problem getting directory files to zip
Summary:Class works for zipping single file - multiple files not zipped.
Date:2010-09-20 15:29:09

  1. Problem getting directory files to zip   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of achilles achilles - 2010-09-20 15:29:16
For zipping a single file, this works well:

$createZip = new createZipFile;
$createZip -> addDirectory("testy/");
$fileContents = file_get_contents("../testDirectory/Test1.txt");
$createZip -> addFile($fileContents, "testy/Test1.txt");
$fileName = "";
$fd = fopen ($fileName, "wb");
$out = fwrite ($fd, $createZip -> getZippedfile());
fclose ($fd);
$createZip -> forceDownload($fileName);

But for multiple files from a directory, this produces a zipped file, containing the expected directory 'testy' - but 'testy' has no files in it (it should have Test1.txt and Test2.txt):

$fileToZip = "Test1.txt";
$directoryToZip ="../testDirectory";
$createZipFile=new CreateZipFile;
$outputDir ="testy/";
$zipName = "";
$fd=fopen($zipName, "wb");

I am guessing that the problem ins with $fileToZip, since I have not figured what it does inside the class, and I am guessing that in turn affects public function addFile - though I don't see how.
I'd be grateful for a correction to my code - and, if you have time, a brief note on how the correction makes the class work correctly.