PHP Classes

Memory problem solved

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Subject:Memory problem solved
Summary:Use Attila's rewrite of this class to solve memory problem
Author:Anon E Mouse
Date:2009-11-12 01:13:55

  1. Memory problem solved   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Anon E Mouse Anon E Mouse - 2009-11-12 01:13:55
I already posted replying to another thread

But thought I would make a new thread to help others

Attila rewrote this class to add one zip at a time.

Memory used is now reduced to only 2*(filesize currently being zipped)

Works great!

I used the example script below with Attila's class to zip 30 .mov files which created a zip file of 330MB (impossible to do in memory with the original version of the class)

Here is my example file, Attila's class follows that.




include "conn_doc.php";


while(list($key,$value)= each($_GET)){
$$key = $value; // this line does the actual creation and assignment of variables

echo('<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000066" size="3"> Zipping your files now, please be patient....<BR>');

$directoryToZip="./"; // This will zip file(s) in this present working directory
//$outputDir="/"; // The desired output directory. NOTE: leaving it that way made some weird msg unzipping
$outputDir="/yourfiles/"; // The desired output directory.

$createZipFile=new CreateZipFile;

$fd=fopen($zipName, "wb");


$sql = "SELECT * from Job WHERE JobID=".$JobID." ORDER BY IncludeInList DESC, Priority";
$ri = mysql_query($sql);
for ($count = 1; $row = mysql_fetch_row ($ri); ++$count)
If ($Movie){
// Code to Zip a single file
$createZipFile->addFile($directoryToZip.$fileToZip, $outputDir.$fileToZip);
echo("adding ".$fileToZip."<BR>");
} // end If Movie

} //finish the Job recordset For Loop

mysql_close ();


echo("Successfully created file ready for downloading");

echo('<BR><BR><A HREF="'.$zipName.'"><font size=+2><B>Click here to Download the zip file</B></font></A>');




Note, you can get it directly from here:

Here it is pasted below for completeness:

* Original source was created by Rochak Chauhan,
* But it used a lot of memory so it was modified.
* The original code kept the continuesly growing .zip stream in memory and in addition
* adding a new file to the stream required filesize*4 bytes.
* Now the growing .zip stream is not kept in memory, it is written to the file continuesly.
* Adding a new file to the .zip requires filesize*2 bytes of memory.
* Plus some more memory required to store the .zip entries - this is written only at the end
* of the process.
* @author ironhawk, Rochak Chauhan
* @package zip
class ZipFile {

public $centralDirectory = array(); // central directory
public $endOfCentralDirectory = "\x50\x4b\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00"; //end of Central directory record
public $oldOffset = 0;

protected $fileHandle;
protected $compressedDataLength = 0;

* Creates a new ZipFile object
* @param resource $_fileHandle file resource opened using fopen() with "w+" mode
* @return ZipFile
public function ZipFile($_fileHandle)
$this->fileHandle = $_fileHandle;

* Creates a new folder in the zip
* @param string $directoryName folder full path to the .zip root, e.g. "/qqq/www"
* @return void
public function addDirectory($directoryName) {
$directoryName = str_replace("\\", "/", $directoryName);

$feedArrayRow = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04";
$feedArrayRow .= "\x0a\x00";
$feedArrayRow .= "\x00\x00";
$feedArrayRow .= "\x00\x00";
$feedArrayRow .= "\x00\x00\x00\x00";
$feedArrayRow .= pack("V",0);
$feedArrayRow .= pack("V",0);
$feedArrayRow .= pack("V",0);
$feedArrayRow .= pack("v", strlen($directoryName));
$feedArrayRow .= pack("v", 0 );
$feedArrayRow .= $directoryName;
$feedArrayRow .= pack("V",0);
$feedArrayRow .= pack("V",0);
$feedArrayRow .= pack("V",0);

fwrite($this->fileHandle, $feedArrayRow);
$this->compressedDataLength += strlen($feedArrayRow);
$newOffset = $this->compressedDataLength;

$addCentralRecord = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02";
$addCentralRecord .="\x00\x00";
$addCentralRecord .="\x0a\x00";
$addCentralRecord .="\x00\x00";
$addCentralRecord .="\x00\x00";
$addCentralRecord .="\x00\x00\x00\x00";
$addCentralRecord .= pack("V",0);
$addCentralRecord .= pack("V",0);
$addCentralRecord .= pack("V",0);
$addCentralRecord .= pack("v", strlen($directoryName) );
$addCentralRecord .= pack("v", 0 );
$addCentralRecord .= pack("v", 0 );
$addCentralRecord .= pack("v", 0 );
$addCentralRecord .= pack("v", 0 );
$addCentralRecord .= pack("V", 16 );
$addCentralRecord .= pack("V", $this->oldOffset );
$this->oldOffset = $newOffset;
$addCentralRecord .= $directoryName;
$this->centralDirectory[] = $addCentralRecord;

* Adds a new file to the .zip in the specified .zip folder - previously created using addDirectory()!
* @param string $directoryName full path of the previously created .zip folder the file is inserted into
* @param string $filePath full file path on the disk
* @return void
public function addFile($filePath, $directoryName) {

// reading content into memory
$data = file_get_contents($filePath);

// create some descriptors
$directoryName = str_replace("\\", "/", $directoryName);
$feedArrayRow = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04";
$feedArrayRow .= "\x14\x00";
$feedArrayRow .= "\x00\x00";
$feedArrayRow .= "\x08\x00";
$feedArrayRow .= "\x00\x00\x00\x00";
$uncompressedLength = strlen($data);

// compression of the data
$compression = crc32($data);
// at this point filesize*2 memory is required for a moment but it will be released immediatelly
// once the compression itself done
$data = gzcompress($data);
// manipulations
$data = substr($data, 2, strlen($data) - 6);

// writing some info
$compressedLength = strlen($data);
$feedArrayRow .= pack("V",$compression);
$feedArrayRow .= pack("V",$compressedLength);
$feedArrayRow .= pack("V",$uncompressedLength);
$feedArrayRow .= pack("v", strlen($directoryName) );
$feedArrayRow .= pack("v", 0 );
$feedArrayRow .= $directoryName;
fwrite($this->fileHandle, $feedArrayRow);
$this->compressedDataLength += strlen($feedArrayRow);

// writing out the compressed content
fwrite($this->fileHandle, $data);
$this->compressedDataLength += $compressedLength;

// some more info...
$feedArrayRow = pack("V",$compression);
$feedArrayRow .= pack("V",$compressedLength);
$feedArrayRow .= pack("V",$uncompressedLength);
fwrite($this->fileHandle, $feedArrayRow);
$this->compressedDataLength += strlen($feedArrayRow);
$newOffset = $this->compressedDataLength;

// adding entry
$addCentralRecord = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02";
$addCentralRecord .="\x00\x00";
$addCentralRecord .="\x14\x00";
$addCentralRecord .="\x00\x00";
$addCentralRecord .="\x08\x00";
$addCentralRecord .="\x00\x00\x00\x00";
$addCentralRecord .= pack("V",$compression);
$addCentralRecord .= pack("V",$compressedLength);
$addCentralRecord .= pack("V",$uncompressedLength);
$addCentralRecord .= pack("v", strlen($directoryName) );
$addCentralRecord .= pack("v", 0 );
$addCentralRecord .= pack("v", 0 );
$addCentralRecord .= pack("v", 0 );
$addCentralRecord .= pack("v", 0 );
$addCentralRecord .= pack("V", 32 );
$addCentralRecord .= pack("V", $this->oldOffset );
$this->oldOffset = $newOffset;
$addCentralRecord .= $directoryName;
$this->centralDirectory[] = $addCentralRecord;


* Close the .zip - we do not add more stuff
* @param boolean $closeFileHandle if true the file resource will be closed too
public function close($closeFileHandle = true) {

$controlDirectory = implode("", $this->centralDirectory);

fwrite($this->fileHandle, $controlDirectory);
fwrite($this->fileHandle, $this->endOfCentralDirectory);
fwrite($this->fileHandle, pack("v", sizeof($this->centralDirectory)));
fwrite($this->fileHandle, pack("v", sizeof($this->centralDirectory)));
fwrite($this->fileHandle, pack("V", strlen($controlDirectory)));
fwrite($this->fileHandle, pack("V", $this->compressedDataLength));
fwrite($this->fileHandle, "\x00\x00");



OK that's all folks.

The other thing I found useful was comparing differences between Attila's class above, and Rochak's version.

I used the free program CS Diff to compare what code had changed.
Very informative.

Thanks again to everyone who has made this script possible, it saved my bacon :-)