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Class:HTTP Download
Description:Server files for downloading with resume support

Subject Last update Replies
User name ans Pass
give me the username and pass
2013-06-21 09:14 0
download pauses other request
No ajax request complete in downloading file time.
2012-11-29 11:07 0
it's good , but you can add streaming mode in this class that...
Package rating comment
2012-06-08 14:04 0
Not working
This shows data on page insted of download
2012-04-26 04:31 0
Error downloading large movie files
Error downloading large files
2010-08-05 06:47 0
Very good and useful class.
Package rating comment
2009-05-13 01:59 0
this class is verry-verry good , thanks
Package rating comment
2009-01-06 03:58 0
good work
Package rating comment
2008-02-28 14:01 0
Problem with Apache 2.0
2006-02-08 06:38 0