GR - 2006-11-06 00:52:57
Please forgive me if this is an obvious question but I cant seem to find the answer in the documentation.
I have just downloaded your class and it seems perfect for the task I am attempting to do. ie build a simple data conversion utility for my users.
Howver I am attemtping to recreate the following input form as the first stage of the wizard.
<form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action="inputExcel.php" onSubmit="return validate()">
<table width="45%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#A0D0FF">
<tr> <td>Input File</td><td colspan='2'><INPUT type="file" name='inFile'/></td></tr>
<tr> <td>Worksheet</td><td><INPUT name='worksheet'/></td><td> </td></tr>
<tr> <td>Start Cell</td><td><INPUT name='startCell'/></td><td> </td></tr>
<tr> <td>End Cell</td><td><INPUT name='endCell'/></td><td> </td></tr>
<tr> <td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr> <td colspan="3" align="center"><INPUT type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /></td></tr>
the problem I have is I cannot figure out how to implement the button to allow the users access to the file dialogue.
The closest info. I can see in the docs is tlc_select but as I do no tknow what tlc is I am guessing does this mean in oreder to implent a button I have to call a seperate script?
Thanks for your patience Growls