 kish - 2005-01-25 07:22:02
This is not to discredit the author of this class, as im sure he had a need to convert an imgage to text,
but for any newbies out there to MySQL, you can simply store image files (under 65 megs) in the MySQL database as blob files.
BLOB standing for binary large object. Any binary files that you wish to store for that matter can be stored as BLOB's in MySQL,
without the need to convert them to strings, etc.
 Can Ince - 2005-01-25 09:47:47 - In reply to message 1 from kish
This is a simple class to show how the data (not only images, but any type of data) can be stored and can be retrieved in a mysql database, converting it to string.
 kish - 2005-01-27 15:39:02 - In reply to message 2 from Can Ince
Relax can, as i said i wasnt trying to discredit your work, i was merely giving newcomers an easier way of storing
images and binary data to mysql.
Unlike 90% of developers out there i dont have this arrogant "my solution is better than yours" attitude by
critisizing other developers work. But if i do have an alternative solution to offer that may help people then
i think that is worth posting in this forum.
 Can Ince - 2005-01-28 09:09:08 - In reply to message 3 from kish
I never took it personal. I was happy with your comments. You were right, Kish, and I only wanted to add a small footnote about data conversion.
Of course, to store images as bolobs is a good way.
For the people interested in to use BLOBs for the images, there's a good article right about that at phpbuilder:
phpbuilder.com/columns/florian19991 ...
 Jafar Hosseinzadeh - 2005-07-19 19:11:55 - In reply to message 4 from Can Ince
Hi all,
I am working on file repo tool which users can upload and download files. I want to store the uploaded files in a column inside a table. So, I read that I have to use BLOB datatype. Do you know of any sample code that I can take a look which someone has done this. The back-end is Oracle 10g however, I can certainly take a look mySQL solution and try to convert it to an Oracle solution. Any help will be great. Regards, --jh
 vikas - 2009-08-24 05:58:42 - In reply to message 2 from Can Ince
send me code yaar
 vikas - 2009-08-24 06:01:08 - In reply to message 1 from kish
hey hi krish i have gone through this link but i could not get the code for saving image as blob in database so if u can post the code it will be helpful for me my friend thanks ..