Tom White - 2008-01-03 15:11:44
My script creates an excel file, but it contains the following error and nothing else:
Warning: tempnam() [<a href='function.tempnam'>function.tempnam</a>]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File() is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/www/3f06a4b88005aeb85bda322626fdf17d:/tmp:/opt/php/lib/php) in /home/www/3f06a4b88005aeb85bda322626fdf17d/web/magsoc/Writer/Workbook.php on line 88
I am integrating with my server's PEAR installation:
require_once '/opt/php/lib/php/PEAR.php';
but everything else is local. This was working before but my server has changed some settings. What do I need to change to avoid this problem, I've looked everywhere but can't find exactly where the temp dir is set.