rein - 2005-01-27 12:17:15
This program works perfectly for me, only there's a problem.
Everything works fine until I try to export a file with more than 50 rows and 5 colums. Also the bigger the texts in each field, the sooner this happends.
The following error then occurs:
-- excel returns: This file is not in a recognisable format.
-- The file is constructed at 16 bytes
Maybe you can help get this error out?
Btw: I get data from mysql by constructing the needed array in a loop as
$array_xls[$i][mysql_field_name($result, $colum_no)] = $row[$colum_no];
(this works, and I dont suppose the error is because of this.
I want to note that OpenOffice doesn't open the files correctly, it just shows some squares and a few words in one cell.
Is this a common problem?