PHP Classes

Found the cure

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Subject:Found the cure
Summary:Need an associative array
Date:2010-01-30 01:14:23
Update:2010-01-30 01:19:19

  1. Found the cure   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Ray Ray - 2010-01-30 01:14:23
I read the class again and realized that I needed to make my array an associative array. Here's my code:


// Now let's dump the data to an excel file

$assoc = array();

for ($k = 0; $k <= $i; $k++) {

$assoc[$k] = array();

$assoc[$k]["Log ID"] = $row[$k][0];

$assoc[$k]["Location"] = $row[$k][1];

$assoc[$k]["Facility"] = $row[$k][2];

$assoc[$k]["Short Name"] = $row[$k][3];

$assoc[$k]["Equip ID"] = $row[$k][4];

$assoc[$k]["Interval"] = $row[$k][5];

$assoc[$k]["Earliest"] = $row[$k][6];

$assoc[$k]["Scheduled"] = $row[$k][7];

$assoc[$k]["Latest"] = $row[$k][8];

$assoc[$k]["Order"] = $row[$k][9];

$assoc[$k]["Paragraph"] = $row[$k][10];

$assoc[$k]["Days Until Scheduled Date"] = $row[$k][11];

$assoc[$k]["Days Until Window Closes"] = $row[$k][12];


require_once "excel.php";

$export_file = "xlsfile://xampplite/htdocs/tools/example.xls";

$fp = fopen($export_file, "wb");

if (!is_resource($fp))


die("Cannot open $export_file");


fwrite($fp, serialize($assoc));



  2. Re: Found the cure   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Ray Ray - 2010-01-30 01:19:19 - In reply to message 1 from Ray
Not a new thread... Disregard, please.
