Ignatius Teo - 2005-01-16 02:33:05 -
In reply to message 3 from Charles Turner
Hi Charles, I don't think it is an Excel issue. All versions of Excel *should* be able to read the BIFF8 file format (which this class uses).
I am experiencing the same issue with exactly the same code. It's running perfectly on my WinXP box both at home and work, running Apache 2.0.48/PHP 4.3.6 and on my Linux box running Apache 1.3.29/PHP 4.3.4.
But on the Solaris box at work, running Apache 1.3.29/PHP 4.3.6 it's coming up with exactly the same problem: "Unrecognized format"
Unfortunately I'm not entirely sure what the issue is, since it's working on some boxes and not on others. It's definitely not the version of Excel, coz the same file that gets downloaded is being opened by the same version of Excel. But depending on what box it is being downloaded from, it either opens it fine, or can't recognize the format.
Further investigation is required. It would be helpful if you could make a note of what platform you're running on and what versions of Apache/PHP/Excel you are using.