PHP Classes

Authenticating against Active Directory

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Subject:Authenticating against Active Directory
Summary:Authenticating against Active Directory
Date:2007-03-19 16:40:57
Update:2007-03-19 17:44:21

  1. Authenticating against Active Directory   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of francesco francesco - 2007-03-19 16:40:58
Hi Manuel,
What I am trying to do is not access an NTLM secured page, but just asking my MS Active Directory if a user/password/domain combination is valid (authenticated) or not. Could I use your class for this? I am doing this to provide a unified password for our Intranet. My web server is Apache 2 running on Win 2003 server (PHP 5.2).

  2. Re: Authenticating against Active Directory   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2007-03-19 17:44:21 - In reply to message 1 from francesco
No, for now this package works only the client side of protocols that require NTLM or other types of authentication.

You could use this package for your purposes if you would have an HTTP, SMTP, POP3 server that required NTLM validation and you could access that server to validate your users.

If you do not have that, maybe you can solve your problem with PHP LDAP functions. Active Directory is what Microsoft calls to LDAP.