ashokvas - 2005-01-07 12:27:52
I am trying to use this class with the Photo_upload form given in the class.
I find that the file is only getting uploaded to the thumbs directory(nothing goes to the foto directory).
In the photo-upload form,
the function process_image() has beenshown as
"function process_image() {
$filename = $this->upload_dir.$this->file_copy;
$thumb = $this->thumb_folder.$this->file_copy;
$foto = $this->foto_folder.$this->file_copy;
if ($this->y_size > $this->x_size) {
$this->get_img_size($filename); // repeat this because the img is changed
if ($this->x_size > 640) {
$this->thumbs($filename, $foto, 640, 80);
$this->thumbs($filename, $thumb, 240, 85);
Can you please tell me what has to be repeated?
"repeat this because the img is changed" shownin the code above.
I just want to upload images,convert into thumbnails,preview size(slightly bigger than thumbnails) and store them in 3 directories-full size images,thumbnails and preview size.
All the files should be stored with same name but in different directories(the name of any file will be same,whether it is in the full size directory or the thumbnail directory or preview directory)
Thanks in advance.