PHP Classes

User login

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Subject:User login
Summary:User login
Author:Ben Craig
Date:2007-11-29 21:18:07
Update:2007-11-30 01:00:14

  1. User login   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Ben Craig Ben Craig - 2007-11-29 21:18:07
How would i the login to redirect to previous page if just a ordinary user logs in?

say they are at index.html and they click login link. they login and if admin goto adminuser.php and display the admin panel else if user redirect-history-previous

  2. Re: User login   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Ben Craig Ben Craig - 2007-11-30 01:00:14 - In reply to message 1 from Ben Craig
Edit* How would i get the login to redirect to the previous page if just a ordinary user logs in?