PHP Classes

problem nlist et rawlist

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Subject:problem nlist et rawlist
Date:2013-01-29 12:36:50
Update:2013-01-29 18:26:08

  1. problem nlist et rawlist   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of DINAH DINAH - 2013-01-29 12:36:50
quand je les utilise il ne retourne rien et pour tant il ya des fichiers ou dossiers a retourner.m6 si vous pouver m'aider

  2. Re: problem nlist et rawlist   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of DINAH DINAH - 2013-01-29 18:26:08 - In reply to message 1 from DINAH
I have a problem to use the 2 functions can you give me the exemples