Subject: | I had some troubles to use the... |
Summary: | Package rating comment |
Messages: | 2 |
Author: | Christian Bode |
Date: | 2008-06-04 23:36:36 |
Update: | 2008-06-05 08:07:16 |
Christian Bode rated this package as follows:
Utility: | Good |
Consistency: | Good |
Documentation: | Sufficient |
Examples: | Sufficient |
 Christian Bode - 2008-06-04 23:36:36
I had some troubles to use the function mdel with my win ftp server (SERV-U). The ftp server sends a additional line which is not covered by the regular expression in the beginning of the function parselisting so the return value $v in function parselisting isn't set (Error: Undefined variable: v)
I soved this problem by predefine the return value $v in the beginning of the function parselisting.
My new function parselisting:
function parselisting($list) {
// Parses 1 line like: "drwxrwx--- 2 owner group 4096 Apr 23 14:57 text"
"type" => false,
"perms" => false,
"inode" => false,
"owner" => false,
"group" => false,
"size" => false,
"date" => false,
"name" => false
if(preg_match("/^([-ld])([rwxst-]+)\s+(\d+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\w{3})\s+(\d+)\s+([\:\d]+)\s+(.+)$/i", $list, $ret)) {
"type" => ($ret[1]=="-"?"f":$ret[1]),
"perms" => 0,
"inode" => $ret[3],
"owner" => $ret[4],
"group" => $ret[5],
"size" => $ret[6],
"date" => $ret[7]." ".$ret[8]." ".$ret[9],
"name" => $ret[10]
if(in_array($v["owner"], $bad)) $v["owner"]=NULL;
if(in_array($v["group"], $bad)) $v["group"]=NULL;
$v["perms"]+=00100*(int)in_array($ret[2]{2}, array("x","s"));
$v["perms"]+=00010*(int)in_array($ret[2]{5}, array("x","s"));
$v["perms"]+=00001*(int)in_array($ret[2]{8}, array("x","t"));
$v["perms"]+=04000*(int)in_array($ret[2]{2}, array("S","s"));
$v["perms"]+=02000*(int)in_array($ret[2]{5}, array("S","s"));
$v["perms"]+=01000*(int)in_array($ret[2]{8}, array("T","t"));
return $v;
So the return value $v is always defined and has its indizes.
You should adopt the function mdel to catch this case:
function mdel($remote, $continious=false) {
$list=$this->rawlist($remote, "-la");
if($list===false) {
$this->PushError("mdel","can't read remote folder list", "Can't read remote folder \"".$remote."\" contents");
return false;
foreach($list as $k=>$v) {
if($list[$k]["name"]=="." or $list[$k]["name"]==".." or $list[$k]["name"] === false) unset($list[$k]);
foreach($list as $el) {
if($el["type"]=="d") {
if(!$this->mdel($remote."/".$el["name"], $continious)) {
if(!$continious) break;
} else {
if (!$this->delete($remote."/".$el["name"])) {
$this->PushError("mdel", "can't delete file", "Can't delete remote file \"".$remote."/".$el["name"]."\"");
if(!$continious) break;
if(!$this->rmdir($remote)) {
$this->PushError("mdel", "can't delete folder", "Can't delete remote folder \"".$remote."/".$el["name"]."\"");
return $ret;
By the way GREAT TOOL Alexey ;-)
 Alexey Dotsenko - 2008-06-05 08:07:16 - In reply to message 1 from Christian Bode
may it is better to do such way in "parselisting"
if(preg_match("/^([-ld])([rwxst-]+)\s+(\d+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\w{3})\s+(\d+)\s+([\:\d]+)\s+(.+)$/i", $list, $ret)) {
"type" => ($ret[1]=="-"?"f":$ret[1]),
"perms" => 0,
"inode" => $ret[3],
"owner" => $ret[4],
"group" => $ret[5],
"size" => $ret[6],
"date" => $ret[7]." ".$ret[8]." ".$ret[9],
"name" => $ret[10]
) else return null;
and than in "mdel"
if($list[$k]["name"]=="." or $list[$k]["name"]==".." or isnull($list[$k])) unset($list[$k]);