Harishkumarvg - 2008-01-25 10:48:40
While sending below details
0,"211" Transaction Type 211 is Subscription/Registration Request.
1,"my 1st transaction to FedEx" Customer Transaction identifier.
4003,"Jim Smith" Your name.
4007,"Creative Widgets" Your company’s name.
4011"Anycity" Your city name.
4008,"123 Main Street" Your street address.
4015,"5405559900" Your phone number, no dashes.
4012"VA" Your state abbreviation.
10,"123456789" Your FedEx account number.
4013,"24060" Your ZIP code.
4014,"US" Your Country Code. See Appendix B for a list of FedEx Country Codes.
99,"" The required transaction terminator. It must be the last pair in the transaction.
I am getting error Like this
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Sun-ONE-Web-Server/6.1 Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:30:38 GMT Content-length: 70 Content-type: image/gif 0,"311"1,"Subscribe"2,"9927"3,"Unable to validate account on FSS"99,""Array ( [0] => 311 [1] => Subscribe [2] => 9927 [3] => Unable to validate account on FSS )
Any body please suggest