PHP Classes

Does not work missing class

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Subject:Does not work missing class
Summary:Missing directory and file
Author:Tookah Thepes
Date:2022-08-04 10:23:42

  1. Does not work missing class   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Tookah Thepes Tookah Thepes - 2022-08-04 10:23:42
I don't mean to be critical bu this doesn't work. What is missing from git hub is '/autoload.php' which should be under a directory called vendor.

I'm Not entirely sure what this does but I suspect it will load (require) new files before a class is instantiated and throw an error if the file is not available.

Happy to help if info
Stay safe


  2. Re: Does not work missing class   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Maniruzzaman Akash Maniruzzaman Akash - 2022-08-04 14:58:25 - In reply to message 1 from Tookah Thepes
Hi, this is a PHP application and hosted by Github and so vendor/autoload.php file is gitignored and actually everyone in this era knows this very much.

Please follow the steps to generate that vendor files -

git clone

cd phpmvc

composer install


After running this composer install on that folder or repo, the vendor folder will be auto generated.
