Hi, I've just made corrections because of huge and duplicate html code and duplicate text content. So if you want me to send you the corrected file, let me know in your reply. I will send you also a docx example file which generates these bugs. Thank you for your work!
supportad4 - 2024-03-23 11:24:52 - In reply to message 1 from michael
Hi, I have also used wordPHP class and found that it generated repeated tags. Could you please send me the corrected file at my email ID: [email protected] Many thanks for the help.
Timothy Edwards - 2024-03-23 17:49:46 - In reply to message 4 from supportad4
Due to no response from the original author, I took over this script a few years ago.
The latest and much improved version of this script can be found at https://www.phpclasses.org/package/12250-PHP-Convert-Microsoft-Word-DOCX-document-to-HTML.html