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Class:PHP Word DOCX to HTML with Images

Subject Last update Replies
Improved version of this script
A much improved version of this script is available
2024-03-23 18:04 0
Header formating error
I have found and fixed small formatting error.
2022-09-05 18:44 1
Returns error message
Cannot implement due to error - see below
2021-08-03 08:39 0
Getting Error while converting .docx to html
Error while converting .docx to html
2021-04-12 06:45 0
Corrections made: huge and duplicate html code and content
Corrections made: huge and duplicate html code and content
2021-01-15 01:34 4
issue with Mathematical equations
please make maths equations to img also
2020-10-13 06:49 1
Not reading .docx
Outputs "not a zip file"
2020-10-13 06:20 2
table and images still messed
Thank you for this, but formatting and images not working proper
2020-10-12 11:05 3