Maxamuud Xuseen - 2020-04-19 06:21:18 -
In reply to message 2 from Arash Soleimani
Thanks for your quick response to solving the problem.
And I really see this class more than wonderful.
And I will be working on a chapter review for my students in Somalia.
For the alert in the update code, the update does not work completely in the array, but we need to work for each field in the database with its own row of code.
As in the example:
not working:
$mysql->update(['table' => 'users' , 'where'=>['us_id' => 1] , 'values'=> [
'us_name' => 'Hindas',
'us_adress' => 'somalias',
'us_active' =>'2'
] ]);
$mysql->update(['table'=>'users', 'where'=>['us_id'=>1], 'values'=>['us_name'=>'Hinda']]);
$mysql->update(['table'=>'users', 'where'=>['us_id'=>1], 'values'=>['us_adress'=>'somalia']]);
$mysql->update(['table'=>'users', 'where'=>['us_id'=>1], 'values'=>['us_active'=>'2']]);
As you can see, there is difficulty in repeating such a procedure at a table with large fields
And to know that I really liked this class