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Installation Help & Guide

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Subject:Installation Help & Guide
Summary:Error on step 4 of public/login
Author:Test PHP
Date:2020-01-24 04:04:44

  1. Installation Help & Guide   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Test PHP Test PHP - 2020-01-24 04:04:44
Recently discover this project. Thank you.

I wanted to test it out and see if it fit my needs. Currently having trouble with installation.

Anyone know how I can fix it? It basically the Step 4

I have already Import the database.
Have already update my .env file with the login details.

But when I try the /public/login
Page I get that error (please note I edit the URL with the word, {filter})

I'm getting the error below:

Warning: require(/home4/{filter}/public_html/{filter}.com/Barcode/vendor/composer/../symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home4/{filter}/public_html/{filter}.com/Barcode/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 66

Warning: require(/home4/{filter}/public_html/{filter}.com/Barcode/vendor/composer/../symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home4/{filter}/public_html/{filter}.com/Barcode/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 66

Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/home4/{filter}/public_html/{filter}.com/Barcode/vendor/composer/../symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap.php' (include_path='.:/opt/php71/lib/php') in /home4/{filter}/public_html/{filter}.com/Barcode/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 66

  2. Re: Installation Help & Guide   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Test PHP Test PHP - 2020-01-24 04:08:32 - In reply to message 1 from Test PHP
Could it be that my server require Composer to be install?

  3. Re: Installation Help & Guide   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Wilkie Kevin Wilkie Kevin - 2020-01-24 10:12:24 - In reply to message 2 from Test PHP
Hi, I also want to test out this project however I am geeting a Error that reads "ReflectionException (-1)
Class App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController does not exist" How do I get the loginController?