Zsolt Makkai - 2008-06-17 06:55:13 -
In reply to message 2 from Steffen Stollfuß
Thx for your prompt answare.
The situation is the following:
I develop a small company intranet site. The employees use basically SquriellMail web mail system. There they can see their old emails, new emails in the INBOX, they can define different folders. What I would like to do is that the company intranet site also shows the emails of the employees. I inserted an iframe, which call a mail.php script. This script uses your class. (Thx again for that)
The employess generally use their webmail application as well. Therefore this iframe should show the same list with new emails in bold, the olds in normal letters and so on.
At first I would find out which mails are new. It is not a good solution to watch the date of last query, because in the webmail the messages could be read between two mail.php queries.
Ok, my question is that is there any indicator in the pop3 system which shows that a given message has already been read or not?
PS: both the mail- and the webserver are outside the company