Daniel Sepeur - 2006-06-26 07:46:16
I am dealing with this classe and during my work i found out, that the communication with qmail is a little bit different from other servers.
At the function get_mail on line 468 in pop3.class.inc, the response should be like "+OK".
if(substr($response,0,3) != "+OK")
But qmail sends a dot (.) instead of this.
Therefore i changed the function like this:
On line 448 change function get_mail( $msg_number ) to function get_mail($msg_number,$qmailer)
After them, between line 468 and 472 replace the following code
if(substr($response,0,3) != "+OK")
$this->error = "POP3 get_mail() - Error: ".$response;
return FALSE;
// Qmail sendet einen Punkt (.) anstelle von +OK. Das fangen wir ab.
// In der Konfiguration geben wir $qmailer = 0 oder $qmailer = 1 an
if ($qmailer == "1") {
if(substr($response,0,1) != '.') {
$this->error = "POP3 get_mail() - Error: ".$response;
return FALSE;
else {
if(substr($response,0,3) != "+OK") {
$this->error = "POP3 get_mail() - Error: ".$response;
return FALSE;
Now go to the file pop3_test.php.
On line 17 or 18 you can set the config-variable:
$qmailer = 1; // Wether the target server is qmail or not
Now go to line 112 and change
if(!$message = $pop3->get_mail($i)){
if(!$message = $pop3->get_mail($i,$qmailer)){
After you have done this steps, you are ready to fetch POP3 mails with Qmail.