Hi, it is a nice idea, but what about the zillion of files and folders?
To make it usable, can you remove all of it, and keep only the class file and a simple test example?
What you have provided is a one-function solution, so there is no need for any support for installers and so on, as I guess that is what the rest of the files are for.
Keep up the good work, PHPclasses are a fun place!
Josantonius - 2017-11-22 11:49:36 - In reply to message 1 from Jon Lennryd
Hi Jon, thank you for your feedback.
I understand, but It's an open class and maybe tomorrow I'll add 10 more methods. However, the documentation (https://github.com/Josantonius/PHP-DataType) clearly explains how to download only the necessary files.
For some reason PHPClasses does not update repositories when done in the original. Most of those files don't even exist anymore.